Maxitrol Venting 325 Series Line Pressure Regulator
The Maxitrol Venting 325 Series Line Regulators are line pressure regulators for residential, commercial and industrial applications. The units are for main burner or pilot applications of appliances, like stoves or furnaces. The regulators are suitable for natural gas, manufactured gas, mixed gases, liquefied petroleum gases and LP gas-air mixtures.
The Maxitrol 325 Series L-model gas pressure regulators are CSA certified for 2-psi and 5-psi system applications. In addition, the manual ball valves are certified as well as the unit itself. Acceptance continues to grow at an accelerated rate, as more utilities put the 2-psi concept to work. For example, the 2-psi system is now being utilized worldwide on new construction and LP conversions.
Why Choose The Maxitrol Venting 325 Series?
Previously, gas piping systems have predominantly been 3/4” black iron or steel pipe. The development of semi-rigid copper tubing and the introduction of corrugated stainless steel (CSST) have provided HVAC contractors a way to make the transition into the field of gas piping systems. However, the gas piping makes up only one component in the design and installation of the residential and commercial 2-psi gas piping systems.
Of course, operating pressure change is the heart of the new system concept. The entire 2-psi concept would not have been possible without the development of the compact, low-cost Maxitrol pounds-to-inches regulators. These regulators reduce inlet pressure as high as 5-psi down to appliance use levels. Additionally, to deliver positive dead-end lockup, the 325 Series L-model regulators feature a high leverage valve linkage assembly. In addition, they are capable of precise regulating control from full flow down to pilot flows. In combination with Maxitrol’s vent limiting devices, labor and material costs are reduced by eliminating vent lines to the outdoors. The third component of the 2-psi gas piping system is Maxitrol’s manual gas ball valve, which has a design that allows for quick, quarter-turn operations.